Red Wine Over 90˚

Red Wine Over 90˚

How to Drink Red Wine When it’s 90 Degrees (Or More!) Outside

Red wine drinkers always tend to hate summer just a little more than everyone else. That’s because we’ve been taught the stuffy old rules of wine drinking that command you to drink it at room temperature. On a hot day where temperatures climb to 90 degrees or higher, no human wants to consume anything, even something that will give them a robust buzz, at room temperature.

However, these days, there is good news for red wine lovers everywhere. You don’t have to force down a cold beer or chilled glass of chardonnay, unless you want to of course. Those old notions we’ve always had about red wine have changed completely. You’ll be happy to know you can still enjoy red wine in the summertime, and what’s more, you can enjoy it in a light and refreshing way. Here’s how to drink red wine when it’s hotter
than Hades outside.

1. Lighten up

Heavy reds like merlot or Malbec will cause that dehydrated, unpleasant feeling in this kind of heat. Instead, choose a Gamay or pinot noir. Gamay-based wines are light-bodied with a fruitier taste, making them more refreshing. They’re produced specifically for the purpose of drinking young so it still maintains the vibrant fruit flavors that exude the depth and refreshment of crushed berries like strawberries and raspberries mixed in with a twang of deep floral notes from lilac and violets. Pinot Noir is a lighter-colored red with a medium body and low tannins, making it a more refreshing red that rolls right off the palate.

For Gamay-based wines, try French Beauajolais, something from the Loire Valley, or discover local favorites from Washington State’s Colombia Gorge Valley or New York State’s Niagara Region.

For Pinot Noir, you can’t go wrong with anything from France’s renowned Burgundy region or even locally from Oregon’s Willamette Valley.

2. Chill out
Forget what you’ve heard. Red wine can be served with just a hint of cool. Often, red wines are stored at cooler temperatures to preserve them and they are brought to room temperature for serving. So if you have to have your favorite red wine now, simply pop it in the fridge for 10 to 15 minutes, then pour into your favorite glass and revel in the blissfulness.

3. Balance with lighter fare
Another thing that will surely do you in while drinking red wine in the summertime is if you imbibe while eating a large, heavy meal. This is not the time for that large slab of meat. Instead, simplify. Partake in your favorite reds and instead, complement it with
manchego, brie, gruyère or other resplendent cheese offerings.

Are you thirsty? Pop that red in your fridge now for the ultimate summer refreshment!